Middlesex YMCA Summer Enrichment & Sports Camps
Wouldn't it
be wonderful if we could all take a summer break like our kids? Summer brings
back so many great memories for me. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to
spend lots of time outside riding my bike, playing with my friends, going to
the beach and spending a couple sessions out at YMCA Camp Ingersoll. All of
those individual experiences added up to a well rounded summer where I got to
play, socialize and learn about the world around me. Back when I was growing up
the world was a little different; we were able to go outside for the day with
friends and come back when it got dark. Our parents would have a neighbor
watch us and we would check in once in a while with them. Although the world
has changed greatly since I was a kid, children still want the same thing out
of a summer vacation; to be active, play with friends and have fun adventures.

While I was
fortunate to have the childhood summer experience I shared, many children do
not have the same experience. Once school closes, some children and families
struggle to gain access to quality enriching educational opportunities that a
summer camp experience, family vacation or trips to local libraries or museums
can offer. As a result, summer learning loss can occur. Summer learning
loss is the loss of academic knowledge and skills during the summer months as a
result of being out of school. The National Summer Learning Institute explains
that most of the learning loss affects the reading and mathematical skills over
this two months time and parents consistently say that summer is the most
difficult time for them to find productive things for their children to

Everyone needs
ongoing opportunities to learn and practice skills to become successful. This
is even more important for children during the summer months. YMCAs are
perfectly positioned to help children battle summer learning loss through day
camp programming. One of the ways that our Y is helping children battle
learning loss through the summer is through our Summer Enrichment Camp. The
Summer Enrichment Camp offers eight weeks of discovery and hands on fun for
children entering 1st though 6th grade. Each week a different theme engages
children in a fun filled journey of experiential learning. This program is a
great fit for children who like art, science and creative exploration. Mornings
are spent diving into theme filled activities and afternoons are full of recreation
and play. A daily recreational swim, optional swim lessons and a field trip
complete each exciting week! Our goal is to offer children an opportunity to
explore their interests, build their knowledge and skills and use their
creative spirit during the summer months. Our intention is to enrich each
child’s summer vacation with a variety of fun activities.

Does your child enjoy sports? We are now offering four weeks of new sports
programs for children entering 3rd through 6th grades. These programs are
perfect for kids who enjoy athletics and want to learn some new games and brush
up on basic skills.
For more
information about our Summer Enrichment & Sports Program please
click here to visit our website or contact Melanie Carfora at 860.343.6208 or Kevin Cassesse at 860.343.6211.
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